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“Lady Washington’s Reception”

Depicts all the Leaders of the Founding Generation

Shown in this print are all the prominent people of the founding generation of American in one location and accurately pictured. The picture is a composite of the reception Mrs. Washington's held and is designed to convey the grandeur of her court and the respect with which the President and Mrs. Washington were held after the Civil War. Mrs. Washington is shown prominently on the left side on a riser, with Alexander Hamilton, John Adams and John Jay to the left. The 64 people present and identified in the print are named below and they prominently include, in addition to the above named, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Morris, General Greene, John Hancock, Edmund Randolph, Oliver Ellsworth, General Lincoln and General Knox:

This is a significant 19th century American stipple and line engraving by Alexander Hay Ritchie after the painting by Daniel Huntington in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum. The print comes with the diagram above of the pictured personalities that was published in Harper's Weekly in 1875.  The large engraving measures a little under 3'x4' (the image area is 21 3/8 x 34 15/16" ) and is in very good condition with a few small repaired edge tears, some surface soiling in the margins and paper loss outside the area that will be matted and framed (see picture below of the complete print). There are no holes or tears in the image area and no foxing. Huntington (1816-1906 ) was a student of Samuel Morse. He was president of the National Academy of Design twice and vice president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for 33 yrs. He is best known for his historical portraits but was recognized as well for his landscapes. He is extensively listed. There were a number of editions of this print published between 1865 and 1875. This one was published by Emil Seitz in New York in 1867.  The two pictures below provide some increased detail on the large print.

Below is the full print showing the generous margins for display and for the framer.

Price: SOLD

I have a beautiful colored version of this print that I will post later this month.