1801 -1844 Register of
Graduates and 1848 Catalogue of the United States Military Academy,
bound together
Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant,
Jefferson Davis, George McClelland and many other Civil War Generals
West Point Admission Criteria and
Courses of Study
Rare 1860 Congressional Report
on Improvement of the United States Military Academy at West Point
Headed by Jefferson Davis and Includes Letters of Future
Military Leaders of the Civil War including Winfield Scott, Robert E.
Lee, George Meade, Joseph E. Johnston and George McClellan
“The Republican
Court or American Society in the Days of Washington”
by Rufus Wilmot Griswold with
Twenty-One Portraits of Distinguished Women, New York, D. Appleton and
Company 1855
Mrs. John (Abigail) Adams
1880 Magazine of
American History
Full of Pictures, Maps and Stories on George Washington, The Revolutionary
War, Pawnee Chiefs and Other Interesting Persons and Events
General Horatio Gates